Return of Warrior Wiki
Creation 01

Character Selection Screen

Once you've chosen your nationality, you can create your character.

Click on one of the floating question marks to open a window for creating a character.
You can start choosing a name and a class for your character. You will be able to modify your character's appearance, and you will also need to assign bonus stat points.

Creation 02Icon 1Name
Enter the name of your character.
Icon 2Gender
Select a gender. It's only available for humans, for akkan gender is determined by class.
Icon 3Hair Style
Select a hair style
Icon 4Face
Select a face
Icon 5Attire
Select the default outfit. It's only available for humans, more outfits are sold in the general store.
Icon 6Class
Choose an initial class. You can upgrade your class based on your initial class at a trainer.
Icon 7Rotate
Rotate your character 360 degrees, character orientation becomes permanent when you click create.